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How to Analyse a Horoscope ?

ஜாதகம் பார்ப்பது எப்படி ?

ஜாதகம் பார்ப்பது எப்படி ? திதி யோகம் கரணம் அனைவருக்கும் புரியும்படி விளக்குகிறார் ஜோதிடர் அஸ்வத் சங்கர்.

How to analyse a horoscope ?

How to analyse horoscope and help people to come out of their problem. Astrologer Ashvath Shanker explains Thithi Yogam Karanam concept in Tamil with horoscope.


What is Astrology?

Ancient man observed the response of animals to nature´s consequences and used those observations to conduct his life. Since all species, other than human beings, have the ability to foresee natural phenomena, such as rain, storm, and earthquake they protect themselves from such occurrences. Although mankind has acquired the capability to travel into space, and reach planets and beyond, it does not have the instinct to foresee natural disasters like earthquake or tsunami.

The 9 celestial bodies and the 12 zodiac belts are responsible for governing nature, and have direct influence on life on planet Earth and affect the life of mankind. These celestial bodies (planets and nodes), while traversing the zodiac belts, emit cosmic waves continuously every second, causing a snapshot imprint in the minds and subconscious minds of every person the moment he/she is born. Consequently, every person is destined to conduct his/her life in a manner as defined by this cosmic imprint.

A pictorial representation of such an imprint is known as a birth chart or horoscope. The effects of celestial bodies on a person are predicted based on the location of the moon with respect to other celestial bodies, as determined in the birth chart. Thus, a horoscope describes a person´s basic nature, life pattern, intelligence, values, temperament, longevity, life partner´s wealth, etc.

As a person grows, the celestial bodies continue to emit cosmic waves every second, while they traverse at their predetermined pace and path. The combination of this with the one that was imprinted at the time of birth, determines the path and quality of the day-to-day activities of a person.

According to the position of these celestial bodies at any given point of time, analyzed in conjunction with their position at the time of birth, an astrologer predicts the ups and downs of a person and suggests corrective measures. The methods adopted to reduce or eliminate the negative aspects, and enhance and promote the positive aspects, are known as astrological remedies.